His Grace, Prophet Ekong Ituen, the spiritual leader of Christ Deliverance Ministries {CDM} in Lagos, needs no introduction when it comes to prophetic ministry in Nigeria.

His accuracy on prophecies has elevated him to the status of one of the most sought-after prophets in recent times, respected by Christians and non-Christians.

It is on record that the ongoing protest in the country was what Prophet Ituen had foretold and forewarned but unfortunately the President failed to adhere to his warning.

Those in power must understand that the spiritual always controls the physical.

Copied from National Dailies.

Below were the warnings;

“Act fast, Nigerians are suffering. There is hunger in the land!
In my revelation, I see another crisis that will be worse than the EndSars protest. To avert the impending prophecy mentioned above;
Food security should be prioritized, because a hungry man is an angry man.” Prophet Ekong Ituen urges President Tinubu.
Read here 👇👇

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“A Nigerian cleric and spiritual leader of Christ Deliverance Ministries {CDM} in Lagos, His Grace, Prophet Ekong Ituen, has advised President Bola Tinubu to urgently address issues of hunger and poverty in the land to avoid serious uproar and unrest over food security.”
~ Prophet Ekong Ituen,
Vanguard newspaper,
January 9, 2024 page 27.

“Food security should be given priority attention. In my revelation, I see another crisis that will be worse than the EndSars protest, because a hungry man is an angry man.”
~ Prophet Ekong Ituen,
Vanguard Newspaper,
26/2/2021 page 13.
Daily Independent Newspaper,
28/2/2021 page 5.

“Nigerians should pray against a revolution in the future and the military returning to power through the windows that politicians and the government have left opened.”
~ Prophet Ekong Ituen,
Vanguard Newspaper,
26/2/2021 page 13.
Daily Independent Newspaper,
28/2/2021 page 5.

“Food security should be given priority attention in other to avert another chaos that may be worse than the EndSars saga because a hungry man is an angry man – Prophet Ekong Ituen urges Federal Government.”



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