RE: Tony Elumelu of Heirs Holdings took an N41.5b loan @15% interest rate per annum and defaulted -CBN :A RETRACTION AND AN APOLOGY

Whereas our online Newspaper, The Marshal Newslink ( published an article with the caption: ‘Tony Elumelu of Heirs Holdings took an N41.5b loan @15% interest rate per annum and defaulted -CBN’ , and same was shared on our X app to wit: @TNewslink64984 on X .com, the Management of The Marshal Newslink wishes to state as follows:

  1. That upon further checks, we have found the information in the said publication to be entirely untrue.
  2. That the said story was forwarded to our correspondent via WhatsApp group by one olarotimilaw.
  3. That we sincerely regret the inconvenience and embarrassment the said publication have caused Mr. Tony Elumelu.
  4. That we hereby retract the said publication and urged the general public to discard the contents thereof as same do not represent the person and character of Mr. Tony Elumelu.
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( The Marshal Newslink )
3rd March, 2024