...group petitions President Tinubu, names prime culprit

 Ukanafun Professionals’ Association


 A call on President Bola Tinubu to cause thorough investigation into the mob attack of Citizen Ubokobong Udoworen and his whereabouts: 

1. The Ukanafun Professionals’ Association (UK-PRO), just like any other group of persons or individuals with humanistic fervour, is so displeased and disturbed over the deadly mob attack unleashed by more than a score of disgruntled youths on Ubokobong Udoworen, the Youth Leader of All Progressives Congress (APC) in Akwa Ibom North-west (Ikot Ekpene) senatorial district on January 18, 2024 at Ati Annang Ground in Ikot Ekpene. Our delay in coming up with our position on the barbaric incidence has to do with our expectation that appropriate authorities were on top of the situation. From our findings from relevant persons, including relatives of the victim, nothing is seen to be done on the matter, just as the whereabouts and state of Ubokobong Udoworen has not been known for more than a week now.

2. What the UK-PRO knows about Ubokobong Udoworen is that the young man is a die-hard loyalist and supporter of Senator Godswill Akpabio, Nigeria’s Senate President. Notwithstanding our apolitical stance, we are of the belief that it falls within the liberty of any person to express his or her political inclination to any person or political organization. In that wise, Ubokobong Udoworen cannot, in whatever measure, be said to have done anything wrong for always queueing behind Senator Godswill Akpabio. The UK-PRO also has impeccable knowledge that Ubokobong Udoworen has integrity of cherishing and promoting fairness, equity and truth at any given time and place even at great personal cost. 

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3. His sin, as we reliably gathered and which led to his being attack, was his public condemnation through social media of alleged diversion of money and food items meant for APC youths of the Ikot Ekpene senatorial district and his avowal declaration to make that known to the Senate President at APC gathering on the same day and venue that he was attacked by people said to be his fellow party faithful. Distinctive of his frank nature, Ubokobong had pointed fingers on known names and some leaders of the party he accused of perpetrating the infraction.

4. Curiously, the principal person the victim accused, Mr Emmanuel Amama, the Special Assistant to the Senate President on Youth Matters, amidst other party stalwarts, was present at the scene he was attacked. The act of lynching anyone by fellow humans remains despicable, and it offers a bleak future in this particular instance in that the crime is carried out by youths warming up to become leaders.  The UK-PRO is not just condemning such inhumane behavior, but we are calling on governmental authorities to give attention of urgent necessity in unravelling the crime and make the culprits to face the full wrath of the law. More importantly, the UK-PRO is of strong emphasis that the state of life and whereabout of Ubokobong Udoworen should be made known to the public.

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5. Given that the crime occurred in broad daylight, where many who can give eye-witnesses accounts are not far-fetched, and the video clips of the incidents abound in the public, it is believed that the process of arriving at successful investigation of the criminal act is just a matter of willingness and sincerity to do the rightful on the part of authorities saddled with such responsibilities. 

6. In view of the foregoing position, the UK-Pro calls on the chief security officer of the Nigerian federation, President Bola Tinubu, to cause the Inspector General of Police and other heads of security apparatus in the country to do the needful with regards to this heart-wrenching situation. We also call on Governor Umo Eno, who also double as the chief security officer of Akwa Ibom State, where the crime took place, to synergise with President Tinubu and the security agencies in facilitating justice to have a field day on the injustice meted to Ubokobong Udoworen. Also, even though, no fair-minded person can accuse him of any wrong in the inglorious act, we do not think Senator Godswill Akpabio needs to be told that the action of the hoodlums and their sponsors is capable of disparaging his high reputation, hence, irrespective of whatever action he might have privately taken, he has a duty to raise his senatorial voice openly on the matter.

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7. Given the fact that the victim is one indigene of Ukanafun local government area whose character of candour and probity the UK-Pro is so proud of, we are mounting a watch on the situation surrounding Ubokobong Udoworen and we urge other concerned individuals and group of persons to join in embarking on this noble search for justice.  


 Nsikak Ekanem

 General Secretary
