By Ime Silas

Professionals under the auspices of Concerned Akwa Ibom Professionals in Lagos, (CAKPIL), have donated cartons of different kinds of Personal Protective Equipment, PPE, to Doctors and other health care workers in Akwa Ibom State.

CAKPIL, led by Barr. Udom Inoyo, is a platform for different professionals of Akwa Ibom extraction, practicing in Lagos state.

The PPE donated included surgical face mask (50 packets * 100 units), latex gloves (50 pairs * 100 units), 3M face mask (20 packets * 25 units), disposable aprons (100 packets * 5 units) and goggles (1 packet * 100 units).

Presenting the equipment yesterday at Doctors’ Mess, Uyo, the Coordinator, CAKPIL, Barr Inoyo, thanked the doctors and other health workers for risking their lives collaborating with the State government in the fight to curb the spread of Corona Virus, codenamed Covid-19, in the state.

The group’s helmsman who was represented at the occasion by Barr Edo Ukpong, noted that they were concerned about the safety of the health professionals as first responders to any suspected covid-19 case, hence the need to protect the protectors.

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He said, “The Concerned Akwa Ibom Professionals in Lagos (CAKPIL) identifies with our health workers, who, as first responders in combating COVID 19, put their lives, including those of family members at risk, so that all of us will be safe.

“We are therefore humbled to be supporting you at this time with some Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) so that you can boldly discharge your duties.”

Responding after receiving the items on behalf of doctors and other health professionals, the State Chairman of Nigerian Medical Association (NMA), Dr. Nsikak Nyoyoko, expressed his appreciation to the group describing it as an intervention that arrived timely.

While assuring that the equipment would be distributed accordingly, Dr. Nyoyoko called on well-meaning individuals and groups to emulate CAKPIL in order to boost the fight against the global pandemic.

He presented a letter of appreciation to the donors on behalf of health professionals in Akwa Ibom state.

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The State Commissioner for Health, Dr. Dominic Ukpong, who witnessed the presentation, thanked the group for maintaining its track record of always thinking about the welfare of indigenes of the state.

From left: Health Commissioner; Dr. Ukpong, CAKPIL representative; Barr. Ukpong and NMA Chairman, Dr. Nyoyoko

Dr. Ukpong, who incidentally doubles as a former State Chairman of NMA in the old Cross River and a former member of CAKPIL, urged Akwa Ibom people to support the state government and the health workers in the fight against the deadly disease.